General terms and conditions


1. The following General Terms and Conditions apply exclusively to all contracts between Alsterlagune and the customer; any terms and conditions of the customer are not recognised.

2. should individual provisions of these terms and conditions, for whatever reason, not be valid, the remaining provisions shall remain valid. Invalid provisions shall be replaced by a provision whose content corresponds as far as possible with the invalid provision.

3. oral collateral agreements require a written confirmation by the Alsterlagune in order to be valid.

Table reservations

Confirmed table reservations are not binding and can be cancelled by Alsterlagune at any time without good cause.

Provisions for the organisation of events and the provision of services

1. The customer undertakes to follow the instructions of the Alsterlagune or a representative concerning the event, equipment, venue etc.. The instructions of the Alsterlagune also include the notices displayed at the venue. The customer is responsible for the actions of his guests.

2. The contract is concluded by the order confirmation of the Alsterlagune signed by the customer with the customer (uniform designation for: orderer, organiser, guest, etc.).

3. (1) The course of the event is determined by the customer in agreement with the Alsterlagune. If urgent circumstances make this necessary, the Alsterlagune reserves the right to cancel the event. (Furthermore, the Alsterlagune generally reserves the right to change the date of the event and to offer the customer an alternative date. If circumstances prevail which make the staging of the event appear irresponsible or unfavourable conditions (e.g. weather conditions for marquees or outdoor events such as storms etc.) occur or are predicted which pose a risk to the participants or equipment (e.g. risk to musical instruments in the event of rain), the event may also be cancelled by the Alsterlagune at short notice or, if possible, alternative arrangements may be made. If these adverse circumstances occur during the event, the event will be cancelled or, if possible, alternative arrangements made. The Alsterlagune is not responsible for any damages resulting from these circumstances for the customer and his guests. (2) Changes requested by the customer at short notice on the day of the event will be taken into account, but cannot be guaranteed by the Alsterlagune. The Alsterlagune accepts no liability for delays and resulting irregularities for which the customer is responsible. Additional costs in this respect will be charged to the customer if they arise.

4. In the case of events which extend beyond the contractually agreed period, the Alsterlagune may charge additional expenses, in particular for catering and personnel.

5. The following costs shall also be borne by the customer: space and room rentals, equipment rental fees, transport costs, taxes such as visitor's tax and personnel costs. These costs are included in the amount stated in the contract unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing in the contract.

6. (1) Event rooms, equipment and means of transport will be delivered by Alsterlagune to the event clean, with complete inventory and in good condition.
(2) The customer is obliged to inform the Alsterlagune and / or the responsible staff on site immediately of any complaints about the fulfilment of the contract, i.e. still during the event, so that the Alsterlagune and / or the staff present have the opportunity to remedy justified defects as far as possible. (3) The Alsterlagune reserves the right to hold further events on the total areas not booked by the contractual partner.

7. (1) The customer is liable for damages caused by his own fault or the fault of his guests to the event equipment, the event premises or the property of third parties. (2) The Alsterlagune and the staff are insured against liability, also towards the event participants. (3) The customer is not liable for the damages mentioned under article 7. (1) only if the insurance described under article 7. (2) covers the damage caused. The amount of the insurance's own risk shall be borne by the customer.

8. (1) In the event of a complete cancellation of the contract by the customer, the customer shall owe remuneration in the amount of the following percentages of the contractually agreed remuneration: costs for arrangements (conferences, weekend programmes, day and evening programmes as well as package or flat rates with per person prices), the provision of the venue (in the case of room rentals), transport reservations, artist placement transactions, other:

  • In the event of cancellation after the booking confirmation has been sent by the Alsterlagune, at least 15% of the agreed remuneration.
  • 20% of the agreed fee for cancellations up to 90 days before the start of the event.
  • for cancellation up to 75 days before the start of the event 30% of the agreed fee
  • for cancellation up to 60 days before the start of the event 40% of the agreed fee
  • Cancellation up to 45 days before the start of the event: 50% of the agreed fee.
  • 75% of the agreed fee for cancellations up to 30 days before the start of the event.
  • in case of cancellation up to 15 days before the start of the event 90% of the agreed fee
  • in the event of cancellation at even shorter notice 100% of the agreed remuneration

(2) In the event of cancellation exclusively of the services of hospitality and catering, without event rooms being the subject of the agreed service, the customer shall owe remuneration in the amount of the following percentages:

  • in case of cancellation after sending the booking confirmation 30 % of the agreed remuneration
  • up to 60 days before the event 60 % of the agreed remuneration
  • up to 30 days before the event 75 % of the agreed remuneration
  • up to 15 days before event 90 % of the agreed remuneration
  • in the event of cancellation at even shorter notice 100% of the agreed remuneration

The basis for calculating the cancellation costs is in each case the agreed number of participants in the order confirmation. A reduction in the number of participants can be made once up to a maximum of 10% of the agreed number of participants free of charge up to 15 working days before the start of the event at the latest. (3) The customer is permitted to prove that the Alsterlagune has incurred no damage or a significantly lower damage due to the cancellation than results from (1). The Alsterlagune is allowed to prove that a higher damage has been caused by the cancellation. (4) Cancellation of the contract must always be declared in writing or by fax, receipt of which must be confirmed by the Alsterlagune. The cancellation can also be made in writing by registered mail. The date of receipt of the declaration by the Alsterlagune shall be deemed to be the date of cancellation.

9. Insofar as the Alsterlagune is not the owner of the rented event equipment, the Alsterlagune is not liable for the non-fulfilment of the contract, insofar as this is due to circumstances of the person or the company of the event equipment owner. In such cases, the Alsterlagune reserves the right to withdraw from the contract. In this case, any payments already made by the customer shall be returned. Claims for damages against the Alsterlagune are then excluded.

10. (1) Insofar as the type of event involves the organisation of passenger transport (e.g. bus or taxi transport) or artist agency business, the Alsterlagune shall not be liable for the non-fulfilment of the contract insofar as this is due to circumstances relating to the person or the company of the transport agency owner or artist. In such cases Alsterlagune reserves the right to withdraw from the contract. In this case, any payments already made by the customer shall be returned. Claims for damages against the Alsterlagune are then excluded.

11. The installation of decorative material in the event rooms as well as the use of areas inside and outside rented rooms, e.g. for exhibition purposes, require the written consent of the Alsterlagune and may be made dependent on the payment of an additional fee. These and other items brought in by the customer must comply with local regulations (fire protection, police requirements, etc.). All items brought into the event rooms by the customer must always be removed from the event rooms by the customer within 2 hours after the end of the event. Otherwise, Alsterlagune shall be entitled to store the items left behind without further notice at the expense of the customer. The costs for such storage shall in any case correspond to the amount of the rent for the respective premises. Any rubbish left behind can be disposed of by Alsterlagune at the customer's expense if this has not been contractually agreed.

12. The customer shall obtain any official permits required for an event in good time and at its own expense. The customer shall be responsible for compliance with public law requirements and other regulations. Fees payable to third parties for the event, in particular GEMA fees, entertainment tax, etc., shall be paid by the customer directly to the creditor. As a matter of principle, the customer may not bring food and beverages to events. The same applies to all types of decorations, in particular floral decorations and floral design, any type of furniture and event technology. In special cases, a written agreement can be made; at least a service fee or corkage fee will be charged.

13. the customer undertakes to inform the Alsterlagune immediately and without being asked, but at the latest upon conclusion of the contract, that the provision of services and/or the event, whether due to its political, religious or other character, is likely to cause public interest or to impair the interests of the Alsterlagune. Newspaper advertisements, other advertising measures and publications for the event which have a reference to the Alsterlagune or which contain, for example, invitations to job interviews or sales events, generally require the written consent of the Alsterlagune. If this is not given, the Alsterlagune has the right to cancel the event, even at short notice. If the contractually agreed deposit has not been paid 14 days after conclusion of the contract between the Alsterlagune and the customer, the Alsterlagune is not obliged to provide the service. If the event is not held, the customer is not released from the obligation to pay. The claim of the Alsterlagune remains valid. Claims for damages cannot be asserted. Invoices not due according to the calendar are payable within ten days from the date of invoice without deduction, default occurs with the receipt of the first reminder. From the date of default, interest shall be charged on the invoice at 8% points above the base interest rate (5% points above the base interest rate in the case of private individuals), unless the organiser proves a higher or the customer proves a lower damage caused by default. For each reminder after default Alsterlagune will charge a flat reminder fee of 5.00 EURO. We have saved the address on the letterhead of the order confirmation as the invoice address. Should the stored address not be correct or should the invoice contain additions, please inform us in advance. The invoice address is binding for both parties. For invoices that have already been sent and that have to be changed at the customer's request through no fault of Alsterlagune, administrative charges of € 5.00 per change will be incurred! If the customer is a private person, Alsterlagune must be informed of the date and place of birth when the order is placed.

Provisions on the delivery of goods and tickets for event

1. The tickets for certain events presented by the Alsterlagune on the Internet do not constitute a binding offer of contract. By entering his/her data and submitting the online booking form for the tickets, the customer makes a binding contractual offer. The customer is bound to his/her booking for a period of up to six days (in the case of events taking place beforehand, up to the day before the event). Upon transmission of the booking confirmation or acceptance by the customer of the offer/ticket sent by the Alsterlagune, the corresponding contract for the agreed service comes into effect.

2. The Alsterlagune is not liable for the cancellation of events which are not the fault of the Alsterlagune, any claims for damages against the Alsterlagune are hereby rejected. The service rendered by the customer in the form of payment of the ticket will be refunded to the customers within 14 working days. Insofar as the Alsterlagune offers services from the areas of accommodation, transport, delivery of food and drinks as well as leisure activities, in particular tickets for events, the provisions on distance contracts (§§ 312 b to 312 d BGB) do not apply. This means that a two-week right of revocation and return is excluded. Each order is thus binding immediately after confirmation by the Alsterlagune and obliges the customer to accept the ordered goods or tickets or services.

3. (1) The prices stated are without exception gross prices, i.e. they include all price components including all taxes, in particular the statutory value added tax. The latter can be shown separately at the customer's request. For customers outside the EU, gross applies to net. (2) Unless otherwise expressly agreed, all prices are exclusive of packaging, freight, postage and insurance. Additional delivery costs are therefore incurred for the shipment of goods within Germany as well as abroad. The amount of these depends on the information provided in connection with the specific offer; they are to be paid by the customer in addition to the purchase price. In the case of individual bookings, Alsterlagune charges a one-off handling fee of Euro 3.50 for the collection or sending of a ticket.

4. The agreed fee is due for payment immediately after conclusion of the contract. The customer can pay by credit card (Visa, American Express or MasterCard / EuroCard), advance payment and Paypal.

General provisions

1. The Alsterlagune is liable in cases of intent or gross negligence on the part of itself or a representative or vicarious agent in accordance with the statutory provisions. Otherwise, the Alsterlagune shall only be liable under the Product Liability Act, for injury to life, limb or health or for culpable breach of material contractual obligations. However, the claim for damages for the violation of essential contractual obligations is limited to the foreseeable damage typical for the contract. Liability is also limited in cases of gross negligence to the foreseeable damage typical for the contract if none of the exceptional cases listed in this section applies. In the case of slightly negligent breaches of insignificant contractual obligations, Alsterlagune shall not be liable vis-à-vis entrepreneurs. In relation to consumers, liability in these cases shall be limited to the foreseeable, direct average damage typical for the contract. Liability for damage caused by the delivery item to the customer's legal assets, e.g. damage to other property, is however completely excluded. This shall not apply in the event of intent or gross negligence or in the event of liability for injury to life, body or health.

2. The Alsterlagune is entitled to withdraw from the contract for objectively justified reasons. An objectively justified reason in this sense exists in particular if: - Force majeure (fire, strike, flood or similar) or other circumstances for which the Alsterlagune is not responsible make it impossible to fulfil the contract. - Events are booked under misleading or false information of essential facts, e.g. of the organiser or the purpose - The Alsterlagune has justified reason to believe that the event may endanger the smooth operation of the business, the safety or the reputation of the Alsterlagune in public (e.g. reputation risk), in particular such occasions which lie outside the sphere of influence of the Alsterlagune. The Alsterlagune will inform the customer immediately of the exercise of the right of withdrawal. In the event of withdrawal by the Alsterlagune, the customer shall have no claim for damages against the Alsterlagune.

3. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply. As far as permissible, Hamburg is agreed as the place of jurisdiction.

4. notes on data protection: the Alsterlagune points out that the data accruing in business transactions are stored. This data is collected, managed and used for the execution of the contractual relationship. Furthermore, we use your name, address and, if applicable, your email address to send you interesting information about our range of services. Of course, we will refrain from doing so if you object to this use. The strict confidentiality of all personal data is of utmost importance to the Alsterlagune. Your data will not be passed on to third parties.

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Alsterlagune GmbH
Ballindamm 14b
20095 Hamburg
Opening Hours
Monday - Thursday
11:00 – 23:00
Friday - Saturday
11:00 – 00:00
11:00 – 23:00
© 2025 Alsterlagune GmbH – All rights reserved.